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contains the following tiddlers:
639 ships in docks
Act to widen streets
Advance on Irwell Bridge
Advertisements to state railway in service
Aintree racecourse started
Amendment to Bill
Amphitheatre started
Announcement o startsf Rainhill Tria
Apprentices’ Library opens
Aspinall's warehouse destroyed
Bad weather affecting work
Balloon ascent
Balloonist dies
Bank of England opens
Bells of St Luke's first rung
Bill modified to exclude locomotives from Manchester streets
Board request for size of workforce
Boat swamped
Bolton & Leigh request return of engine
Bolton & Leigh retain Sans Pareil
Bonded room collapses
Booth's warehouses destroyed
Bootle church opens
Boundaries altered
Braithwaite and Cropper champion fixed engines
Braithwaite and Ericsson locomotives sent
Brandreth gives positive report on Chat Moss
Brandreth reports on Chat Moss
Buildings assessed
Centenarian Charles Rigby
Charity Ball at Town Hall for refugees
Chat Moss conditions improving
Chat Moss reporting requirements
Church Street Dispensary sold
Clarence Dock opens
Coffer dam on Irwell for bridge
Colley Porter elected bailiff
Company wishes to future-proof its motive power
Compensation for contractor failure
Constables for tunnel shafts
Contract details for tunnel engine
Contract for Stephenson locomotive
Contract to Stephenson for tunnel engine
Corporation buys Wallasey land
Corporation expenditure of street widening
Cropper in Velocipede coach
Cross Lane Bridge fall
Crown Street final closure
Dead bodies discovered on Hope Street
Death of contractor Higginson
Debate in Parliament
Demolition of Trafford Lane
Demolition to form St George's Crescent
Design for Eccles bridge
Design for Water Street Bridge
Destructive storm
Details of Oldfield Road Bridge
Details of public visits to Wapping tunnel
Dinner for Canning
Directors tour using Arrow locomotive
Dock contract for stone from Olive Mount
Dock started at Wallasey
Dreadful storm
Ear institution opens
Ellis reports on Chat Moss
Engine moved to Sandy Mains embankment
Engineman discharged
Engines sought from Braithwaite and Ericsson
Estimate for railway completion
Fire at ropery
First meeting of directors
First omnibuses
First prospectus
First regatta
First ship telegraphed to Bidston
First thoughts on Chat Moss by Hartley of Troon
Flooding at Whitechapel
Flooding at Whitechapel again
Foreman of Works appointed
Fort started
Foster appointed to Wapping tunnel
Foster resigns as Wapping tunnel engineer
Freemen disenfranchised
Further visits to Wapping tunnel
Gales impede ferries
General Election 1830
George's Dock reopens
Gift for General Gascoyne
Gift for John Gladstone
Gift for William Huskisson
Gift to Colley Porter
Graving docks sold
Hanover chapel opens
Hartley appointed
Hartley of Troon's report
Hartley to confer with Stephenson on Sankey Viaduct
Horse races at Maghull start
Huskisson visit to works
Huskisson's funeral
Incentives for contractors
Inclined planes vs cuttings
Infirmary building materials sold
Institution for deaf and dumb opens
Irlam lost at sea
Jackson's Dam sold
James Street improvements
Jessop dies
Jessop offered post
Jessop recommends cuttings
Junction with Stockport Junction Railway
Land near Wallasey Pool purchased for dock
Landmarks laid in Bootle Bay
Law Library established
Letter from RennieJ; VignolesCB to start work
Letter to Rennies on acceptability of Rastrick or Stephenson
Lighthouse started
Lighting of Wapping tunnel and public visits
Liver Street warehouse fire
Liverpool Guardian Society created
Liverpool Oil Gas Company opens
Locations requiring most work
Locke concerned about Chat Moss
Locke happy with Chat Moss progress
Locke resigns
Locomotive overhaul
Locomotive sent from Newcastle
Locomotive sets record
Locomotives arriving for Rainhill Trials
Loss of Wapping tunnel engine in shipwreck
Manchester warehouses to be build by Backhouse
Marine Humane Society opens
Mariners’ Church Society founded.
Mayoral election won by Colley Porter
More from Locke on Chat Moss
Morton’s Patent Slip established at Birkenhead
Mount Pleasant church started
Music Festival for charity
Musical Festival
Musical Festival 1830
Necropolis opens
New bells ring at St Peters
New cemetery agreed
New Custom House started
New dock at Runcorn
New infirmary opens
New locomotive sent fron Newcastle
North Dispensary started
North Star arrived
Northumbrian arrived
Old Dock cleared
Old Haymarket fire
Opening of Lime Street station
Opening of railway
Parish assessment
Pierhead baths opened
Pierhead baths started
Piling finished at Sankey Viaduct
Pilot boat lost
Plan for entrance to tunnel at Crown Street
Plans for fixed engines
Plate presented to Canning
Police-office ordered to be built, July 7.
Poole's warehouse collapses
Poor asylum established
Post office steam ships start for Ireland
Premium awarded to Rocket
Progress at Chat Moss
Progress at Newton Bridge and Sankey Viaduct
Progress on Manchester warehouses
Progress too slow
Project startup
Public access to Irwell Bridge
Railway opens
Relief for families of men drowned on Irwell
Rennie rejects terms
Rennie's terms declined
Repair to Crown Street tunnel
Replacement tunnel engine arrived
Replacement tunnel engine ready for shipping
Report from Rastrick and Walker
Report on Chat Moss embankment
Report on Chat Moss subsurface
Reports on Sankey Viaduct and Olive Mount cutting
Reward for idea for containing blast fragments
Robert Peel dined with mayor
Rocket to assist at Chat Moss
Royal Assent
Sadler balloon ascent
Safety notices at inclined planes
Safety notices excluding public
Sandars meets James
Sankey Viaduct contracts
Saw mill burned down
Sawyer murdered
Sessions House opens
Severe storm
Ship Albion lost at sea
Ship building yards destroyed
Ship opens for divine services
Ship The Alert lost at sea
Ship's boiler bursts
Shipwrights strike
South Dispensary opens
Speed limit in Wapping tunnel
St Andrew's Church started
St Augustine's church consecrated
St George's Church reopens
St James's cemetery opens
St John-the-Baptist's Church consecrated
St John's Market opens
St Martins-in-the-Fields started
St Thomas's spire ordered taken down
St. Bride's Church consecrated
St. David’s Church consecrated
Stage collapses at Prince's Dock
Start due on Sankey Viaduct
Start of goods service
Start on Sankey Embankment
State of works between Parr Moss and Sankey Viaduct
Statue of King moved
Status of Bolton engine on works
Status of Irwell Bridge
Stephenson and Locke go to Newcastle
Stephenson locomotive going to Bolton & Leigh
Stephenson offered post; Chat Moss started
Stephenson recommends fixed engines at Rainhill
Stephenson recommends increased rates for tunnel excavation
Stephenson recommends piling for Sankey Viaduct
Stephenson reports on Newcastle visit
Stephenson told to avoid extraordinary expense
Stephenson's salary increased
Stephenson's thoughts on embankment soil
Subscription for distressed Irish
Sugar house fire
Swimming wager
Tall chimney completed
Telegraph to Holyhead initiated
Telford satisfied with progress
Tenders for Irwell Bridge
Tenders for Manchester warehouses
Tenders received for Irwell Bridge
Terms for hire of Sans Pareil
The Church at Woolton consecrated
The Hornby lost at sea
The Marine Crescent, Waterloo, built,
Town improvemednt committee
Town rating
Track for Rainhill Trials
Tunnel closed to visitors
Tunnel fall at Crown Street
Vignoles and Locke appointed
Vignoles resigns
Visit to Chat Moss
Waggon building and tunnel contracts
Walling of Dr Parks' cutting
Wapping tunnel completed
Wapping tunnel junction at Nelson Street
Wapping tunnel junction at St James Street
Wapping tunnel junction from Millfield
Wapping tunnel moved
Wapping tunnel now continuous
Wapping tunnel open to public
Wapping tunnel prospects
Water works establsihed
Wesleyan Chapel built.
Widening of George's Dock quays starts
Width of Rainhill skew bridge
Windmill burns down
Work on Houghton's land at Chat Moss
Workhouse costings 1825
Workhouse costings 1828
Workhouse deaths
Workmen's cottage